
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

EPUB Download The Odyssey of Homer

This web site contains The Odyssey of Homer and about six thousand ebooks from a huge selection of authors. The collection of these publications are in the following categories: fictions/novels, short stories, poems, essays, plays, nonfictions. Several books are classic works of American Literature, The english language Literature, and Irish Literature from well-known authors including William Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde, Robert Ice, Edgar Allan Poe, Alexander Pope, Arthur Conan Doyle, Britta Austen. and more authors' works will likely be added to the on the internet collection. Throughout these special pages, you will discover many award winning publications designed for your online reading The Odyssey of Homer. Delight in and please tell someone, thanks.

Description :

Homer’s great epic The Odyssey—one of Western literature’s most enduring and important works—translated by Richmond Lattimore

A classic for the ages, The Odyssey recounts Odysseus’ journey home after the Trojan War—and the obstacles he faces along the way to reclaim his throne, kingdom, and family in Ithaca.

During his absence, his steadfast and clever wife, Penelope, and now teenaged son, Telemachus, have lived under the constant threat of ruthless suitors, all desperate to court Penelope and claim the throne. As the suitors plot Telemachus’ murder, the gods debate Odysseus’ fate.  With help from the goddess Athena, the scattered family bides their time as Odysseus battles his way through storm and shipwreck, the cave of the Cyclops, the isle of witch-goddess Circe, the deadly Sirens’ song, a trek through the Underworld, and the omnipresent wrath of the scorned god Poseidon.

An American poet and classicist, Richmond Lattimore’s translation of The Odyssey is widely considered among the best available in the English language. Lattimore breathes modern life into Homer’s epic, bringing this classic work of heroes, monsters, vengeful gods, treachery, and redemption to life for modern readers.

The Odyssey of Homer

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